Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Camping at Home. Why? Why not.

                                           So as I've posted a couple of times now, Mike is getting
   ready to leave for Schooling with the Navy in the South. He decided to take "leave"
   this week beforehand to spend time with us and whatnot before going. We've been keeping
pretty busy with the usual sort of things but wanted to do a few special things with the littles too.
           So, we thought, what more would a 4 and 2 year old like to do than go camping in their backyard? (or something like that) so I loaded us up with the necessities like Smores ingredients (obviously) and found all of our tents and flashlights and we were ready to do. this. thing. And now photos because they basically speak for themselves.

So to sum up:
story telling.
lack of sleep.
wake up at sunrise.
And Ava asking if we can go camping every night. (no)
But it was still a really Good time. I'm pretty crazy
for these people in my life.

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