Wednesday, March 4, 2015

New month & growing littles.

Well, with the start of March we're all pretty hopeful for some warmer weather & possibly even an end to freezing rain and endless snow days..haha (we can dream, right?:) but with all the snow days and inside sort of days, we've tried to stay busy with playdates with friends, playing and getting ready for the arrival of our new baby girl Harper in early Summer. I am now nearly 23 weeks and feeing pretty good! I've said before and I'll say again, the 2nd trimester really is the best and hopefully the 3rd will go somewhat as well. But we shall see..(: here are some photos of life as of late. 

One thing I wanted to share because to me it's cuteness x 1000, is Mikey's latest thing to to do is to come up to me and say Mama you the best mama ever! And daddy is the best & Ava is the best! And even new baby Harper too. (Which he says like he has a Boston accent with no R in Harper. Haha) No, he's not always this sweet, but he is good natured and seems to be pretty happy *most* of the time. This is also his birthday month, and on the 26th he'll leave the two's behind and be onto the 3's. (Whoa!) He's also gotten potty trained recently and we are So so stoked that it went way better this time around (and way quicker) he does still need to be reminded to go from time to time but for the most part he's going himself like a champ and it only took about 3 days of misery to get to this point..(; (totally worth it) Well I hope you all enjoy the rest of your week & if you live anywhere near us, I hope you're staying sane too on these cold, late Winter days. 
Love & Peace. 
