Oh yes. Life is filled with many firsts. (And no I don't intend on rattling off a bunch of them to show you, yet anyway) But these firsts that my family are going through right now are:
Two words. BOOT CAMP. That would be where my other half is at the moment (and will continue to be until mid July) enduring hours of strenuous activity, training exercises ect.
Hmm from that description it sounds like I could be thrown into that as well while being left for these few months to take on the FULL time task of a teething, energetic, adorable 1 year old with his sassy 3 year old sidekick full of stamina, creativity and, well you get the idea.
MOVING. or as I'm learning you say in Military terms we will be embarking on our very first PCS. (Google it) We will be moving somewhere where it's warm and by the beach and from what everyone says GORG and I couldn't be happier about it! (other than leaving behind some lovely friends and extended family-as in-MY MOM)
This BLOG. oh yes. Very extremely as in this is my very First post new. So if I (when I) screw up and don't know what I'm doing on here I'll be the very first to nod right along with you in agreement there. I Do intend on sticking with it though and hopefully figuring it out..at least somewhat..so bare with me..;)
And now I'll leave you with these from our LAST time being together as a whole real family unit (until Boot Camp is officially Over!) on the day before Mike left.
LoveLoveLove these people.
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