Thursday, June 19, 2014

i got this. I Got This. most of you know I've been going solo for a month now as of this coming Sunday (but who's counting really) and holy whirlwind city! It's definitely a lot more, um, exhausting I guess is the word, than I would have thought. That could for sure be partly due to the fact that the three of us got these colds that are more like this crazy vortex of a Cold which just might stick around forever. I mean, it's comfortable here, I get it, but it's had it's fair stay and it's time it hit the road jack, if you know what I mean.

        Can you tell it's been a long week?!?!?!?!? It kind of makes us do things like this with the laptop face-time camera.
We also had a beach day recently right when I thought Mikey was over the cold and right Before Ava and I both got it. We may have gotten pretty sick the day after, but This day was beautiful and fun and we're just beach people. We're always happy when outside and by the Ocean.

In one week from today we'll be in New York City with my parents and other extended family and friends celebrating my Sister's final vows as a CFR Sister and we're SO excited for the trip and to see everyone! We're also going to be staying in the Virginia Beach area for the month of July at my parents new house. I love these little people in my life that I get to go and have these adventures with, and even though there will always be hard days, like when they get sick, the better days Always far outweigh any of the hard ones and make it so. very. worth. it.
Happy *almost* Friday everyone!