Strange things you always hear in our house:
"I see you fake crying..look at those fake tears" I have no clue why but it usually works like a charm and they stop crying and just start laughing. No joke. So it will continue.
To Ava: "Look at those little hands, I love those little hands" but no really, to me her hands are adorable and she's so into all things crafty so she's always doing a little project with those tiny little hands trying to get it just right. And now she turns it back around on me, so if I'm feeling frustrated about something she'll come up and put her hands in my face and say, "look at these little hands." and it's pretty adorable. Weird? Probably, but I think we all are whether we admit it or not. At least that's what I'll keep on telling myself..
If Mikey is whiney, or even if he's not, I just get down to his level and say, "run to Mommy!" and he'll run all the way to the other side of the room, or a ways down the sidewalk if we're outside, and he'll say "I fassst I fassst!" and run into my arms all smiley and happy again. He'll do this basically anytime, it's his favorite.
And speaking of fast, childhood in general seems way to go by WAY too fast for me. I guess that's why I try to take in all of these strange, unique but real life moments that make them happy and then it ends up having the exact same effect on me. It doesn't mean there aren't Rough days, oh we all Know about those, but these kids are the ones that God had laid out for me and I'm pretty A-ok with that.
I thought I'd put a visual to give you an idea what in the, um I was talking about. Haha
before bed.
I hope you guys all enjoy your day.
And your weekend.
And life in general.